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(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)


There are 3 studies that match your criteria.
Criteria: Freq Range=300 kHz - 300 GHz (RF/mmW/THz),Study Type=In Vivo,Study Subtype=Long Term Animal Bioassay,Status=Completed Without Publication

Details - Project ID 261
Lab Private University of Witten/Herdecke, FRG
Study Design  900, 1800 MHz (GSM) exposure to rabbits and analysis of pathology
Summary  No effecs on melatonin levels, body weight, mobility, behavior, food consumption, or litter size
Details - Project ID 388
Lab Fraunhofer Institute, FRG
Study Design  900 MHz (CW, GSM) exposure tp CBA/S mice and analysis of cancer and pathology (X-ray initiated lymphoma bioassay)
Summary  No effects on lymphoma incidence or mortality, and no effects on melatonin levels
Details - Project ID 1230
Lab Dicle University, Turkey
Study Design  900 MHz (GSM) exposure to rats and analysis of gross tissue pathology using electron microscopy
Summary  Changes in cellular structure of brain, heart, testes and liver tissues

A complete list of authors are available for published studies on the IEEE database.