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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 825
Study Type In Vivo
Model Radar exposure to bird nesting sites in Poland and analysis of breeding behavior

Birds (Parus major and P. caeruleus) that were housed in nesting boxes placed in the proximity of a radar tower in Warsaw, Poland were examined for breeding activity (inhabited nest boxes, number of eggs, and nestlings in the nests). Control nesting boxes were located in another area of the Kampinos forsts, "free from radar radiation". Exposure levels ranged from 0.5 - 4 W/m2. Although no decrease in nesting birds was observed in the study near the radar installation, differences in the species between the two sites may have occured.

Findings No Effects
Status Completed Without Publication
Principal Investigator Center for Radiobiol & Radioprotection, Poland
Funding Agency AF, Poland
Country POLAND

This study has no controls. There could have been many different reasons for any effects that might have been observed between colonies of birds from different locations.
