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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 814
Study Type In Vitro
Model 9.3 GHz (CW, PW) exposure to yeast cells and analysis of growth

Yeast cells were grown in an agarose containing media and exposed to 9.3 GHz (CW and PW-10 Hz, 0.5 usec pulse width, 250-270 kW peak power) for 6 hours in a waveguide. SARs within the solid media ranged from 3.2 kW/kg at the exposed surface of the sample to 0.6 mW/kg at 24 mm depth. Absorption and penetration of CW and PW were identical. The corresponding temperature of the solid media ranged from 40.7 degrees at 1 mm to 27.5 degrees at 23mm. Optical density readings of slices through the solid media showed a large OD difference, with slices at optimal growth temperature (34-35 degrees, peak SAR of ~20-30 W/kg) showing 210% growth, while slices on either extreme of the temperature and SAR gradient showing markedly less growth. The data revealed no statistically significant difference in growth rate between CW and PW exposed samples.

Findings Effects (only at thermal levels)
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator USAF Research Lab, Brooks AF Base, USA
Funding Agency AF, USA
  • Pakhomov, AG et al. Bioelectromagnetics, (2002) 23:158-167
  • Comments

    The study indicates just how dramatic subtle changes in temperature (from SAR variations) throughout a cell culture can effect endpoints such as growth and cell cycle progression. The study also indicates no effects other than thermal with both CW and PW exposures.
