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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 1604
Study Type In Vitro
Model 2450 MHz (CW and intermittent) exposure to cells and analysis of growth, survival, and cell cycle distribution.

Cells were exposed to 2450 MHz (CW) RF for 2 hrs at SARs up to 200 W/kg. The authors report that at SARs from from 0.05 to 1500 W/kg, cellular growth rate, survival and cell cycle distribution were not affected. At 200 W/kg, cell growth rate was suppressed and cell survival decreased. To determine whether there was a difference between continuous vs. intermittent exposure, the authors used several intermittent protocols including 300 W/kg(peak), 900W/kg(peak), 1500 W/kg(peak), and 100 W/kg CW (all 100W/kg mean). They report no significant differences between these conditions. When cells were exposed to 50 W/kg for 2h, the temperature of the medium rose to 39.1 °C, 100 W/kg exposure increased the temperature to 41.0 °C and 200 W/kg exposure increased the temperature to 44.1 °C. The authors conclude that suppression of proliferation at higher SARs was due to thermal effects.

Findings Effects (only at thermal levels)
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator Hirosaki University, Japan -
Funding Agency MIC, Japan
Country JAPAN
  • Takashima, Y et al. Bioelectromagnetics, (2006) 27:392-400
  • Shiina, T et al. IEEE Int Sympo Electromag Compat., (2014) 13:166-169
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