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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 1274
Study Type Engineering & Physics
Model Theoretical Mechanisms (catch all)

Theoretical Mechanisms (catch all) AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Saviz and Faraji-Dana 2013 (IEEE #5366): This paper presents a structured model of the dielectric properties of the corneal tissue at microwave frequencies, based on the ¯ne structure and chemical composition of its constituents. This is accomplished by appropriately combining the known properties of tissue substructures using mixing rules, in order to obtain the effective macroscopic properties of the medium. The presented approach is multi-scale: it begins from the microscopic scale and derives the macroscopic properties after several scale-steps. The predictions of the model agree with the existing measured data in the literature. Verification and analysis of the model sensitivity to input parameters have been presented. The model is expected to find application in non-invasive medical sensing where it can relate dielectric response to pathological structural changes in the tissue. The model is also useful for the prediction of dielectric properties for high- frequency computational dosimetry, and for understanding the physical mechanisms behind the macroscopic dielectric behaviour in general. AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Kovacic and Somanathan 2010 (IEEE #5636): Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) played a role in the initiation of living systems, as well as subsequent evolution. The more recent literature on electrochemistry is documented, as well as magnetism. The large numbers of reports on interaction with living systems and the consequences are presented. An important aspect is involvement with cell signaling and resultant effects in which numerous signaling pathways participate. Much research has been devoted to the influence of man-made EMFs, e.g., from cell phones and electrical lines, on human health. The degree of seriousness is unresolved at present. The relationship of EMFs to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress (OS) is discussed. There is evidence that indicates a relationship involving EMFs, ROS, and OS with toxic effects. Various articles deal with the beneficial aspects of antioxidants (AOs) in countering the harmful influence from ROS-OS associated with EMFs. EMFs are useful in medicine, as indicated by healing bone fractures. Beneficial effects are recorded from electrical treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease, depression, and cancer. AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Hinrikus et al. 2014 (IEEE #5679): In this study, we assume that microwave radiation affects hydrogen bonding between dipolar water molecules and through that diffusion in water at constant temperature. The experimental study was performed on the setup of two identical reservoirs filled with pure water and 0.9% NaCl solution and connected by a thin tube. Alterations of NaCl concentration in the reservoir initially filled with pure water were measured using the resistance of the solution as an indicator. The applied 450 MHz continuous-wave microwave field had the maximal specific absorption rate of 0.4 W/kg on the connecting tube. The standard deviation of water temperature in the setup was 0.02 °C during an experiment. Our experimental data demonstrated that microwave exposure makes faster the process of diffusion in water. The time required for reduction of initial resistance of the solution by 10% was 1.7 times shorter with microwave. This result is consistent with the proposed mechanism of low-level microwave effect: microwave radiation, rotating dipolar water molecules, causes high-frequency alterations of hydrogen bonds between water molecules, thereby affects its viscosity and makes faster diffusion. AUTHOR'S ABSTRACT: Ayrapetyan 2015 (IEEE #6154): The weak knowledge on the nature of cellular and molecular mechanisms of biological effects of NIR such as static magnetic field, infrasound frequency of mechanical vibration, extremely low frequency of electromagnetic fields and microwave serves as a main barrier for adequate dosimetry from the point of Public Health. The difficulty lies in the fact that the biological effects of NIR depend not only on their thermodynamic characteristics but also on their frequency and intensity "windows", chemical and physical composition of the surrounding medium, as well as on the initial metabolic state of the organism. Therefore, only biomarker can be used for adequate estimation of biological effect of NIR on organisms. Because of the absence of such biomarker(s), organizations having the mission to monitor hazardous effects of NIR traditionally base their instruction on thermodynamic characteristics of NIR. Based on the high sensitivity to NIR of both aqua medium structure and cell hydration, it is suggested that cell bathing medium is one of the primary targets and cell hydration is a biomarker for NIR effects on cells and organisms. The purpose of this article is to present a short review of literature and our own experimental data on the effects of NIR on plants' seeds germination, microbe growth and development, snail neurons and heart muscle, rat's brain and heart tissues. AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Bialek and Setayeshgar 2005 (IEEE #6455): Many crucial biological processes operate with surprisingly small numbers of molecules, and there is renewed interest in analyzing the impact of noise associated with these small numbers. Twenty-five years ago, Berg and Purcell showed that bacterial chemotaxis, where a single-celled organism must respond to small changes in concentration of chemicals outside the cell, is limited directly by molecule counting noise and that aspects of the bacteria's behavioral and computational strategies must be chosen to minimize the effects of this noise. Here, we revisit and generalize their arguments to estimate the physical limits to signaling processes within the cell and argue that recent experiments are consistent with performance approaching these limits. AUTHORS' ABSTRACTl Henbest, Hore et al. 2004 (IEEE #6458): The photoinduced electron-transfer reaction of chrysene with isomers of dicyanobenzene is used to demonstrate the sensitivity of a radical recombination reaction to the orientation and frequency (5-50 MHz) of a approximately 300 muT radio frequency magnetic field in the presence of a 0-4 mT static magnetic field. The recombination yield is detected via the fluorescence of the exciplex formed exclusively from the electronic singlet state of the radical ion pair Chr*+/DCB*-. Magnetic field effects are simulated using a modified version of the gamma-COMPUTE algorithm, devised for the simulation of magic angle spinning NMR spectra of powdered samples. The response of a chemical or biological system to simultaneously applied radio frequency and static or extremely low-frequency magnetic fields could form the basis for a diagnostic test for the operation of the radical pair mechanism that would not require prior knowledge of the nature and properties of the radical reaction. AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Enright et al. 2006 (IEEE #6459): Vibrational dynamics of proteins and energy flow depend on protein geometry as well as interactions of a protein molecule with the surrounding solvent. We compute the mass fractal dimension D of proteins ranging from 100 to over 10,000 amino acids comparing values for the bare protein with those computed when buried and hydration waters are included in the calculation. Including water in the calculation increases D by about 0.3 to 2.87 on average above D computed for the dehydrated protein. The mass fractal dimension of proteins that are partially unfolded by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is also computed and found to vary little when the radius of gyration changes within about 10% of that for the Protein Data Bank structure. MD simulations of vibrational energy diffusion in proteins reveal that the exponent characterizing anomalous diffusion of vibrational energy does not change much with hydration, which is seen to be due to an increase in the spectral dimension with hydration by a factor similar to the increase in D. AUTHORS' ABSTRACT: Binhi and Prato 2017 (6591): Proposed is a general physical mechanism of magnetoreception of weak magnetic fields (MFs). The mechanism is based on classical precessional dynamics of a magnetic moment in a thermally disturbed environment and includes a minimum of necessary parameters-the gyromagnetic ratio, thermal relaxation time, and rate of downstream events generated by changes in the state of the magnetic moment. The mechanism imposes general restrictions on the probability of initial biophysical magnetic transduction event before the involvement of specific biophysical and biochemical mechanisms-i.e., regardless of the nature of an MF target and the subsequent cascade of events. It is shown that biological effects of weak MFs have, in certain cases, nonlinear and frequency selective properties. The observation of these characteristics provides information not only on the target's gyromagnetic ratio, but also on the parameters of its interaction with the immediate environment. This enables one to develop experimental strategies for identifying the biophysical mechanisms of magnetoreception including the specific case of effects of a near-zero MF exposure. The mechanism is universally applicable to magnetic moments of different nature, in particular, of electron and proton orbital motion and of spins. Experimental exposure conditions are derived which would lead to validation of the proposed mechanism.

Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator
Funding Agency ?????
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