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EMF Study
(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)

ID Number 1128
Study Type Epidemiology
Model MW exposure to US Military servicemen and analysis of fertility

US Army artillery soldiers (n=30) with potential exposure to airborne lead aerosols were examined. Based upon information provided in an interactive questionnaire it subsequently became apparent that many soldiers in the initial control population (n=20) had potentially experienced microwave exposure as radar equipment operators. Blood hormone levels and semen analyses were conducted. The group of men with potential microwave exposures demonstrated lower sperm counts/ml (P = 0.009) and sperm/ejaculate (P = 0.027) than the comparison group. Endocrine, accessory sex gland, and sperm cell function were not affected.

Findings Effects
Status Completed With Publication
Principal Investigator Pennsylvania State University, USA
Funding Agency NIOSH, USA
  • Schrader, SM et al. Reprod. Toxicol., (1998) 12:465-468
  • Weyandt, TB et al. Reprod. Toxicol., (1996) 10:521-528
  • Comments

    The initial study design was set up to look at lead exposure, not microwave exposures. Microwave dose assessment was not defined, and no individual dose assessment was performed. Further, there was a significantly limited study population questioning the validity of any statistical observations.
