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(Database last updated on Mar 27, 2024)


There are 2 studies that match your criteria.
Criteria: Freq Range=300 kHz - 300 GHz (RF/mmW/THz),Study Type=In Vivo,Study Subtype=Hormone Changes,Status=Ongoing

Details - Project ID 1253
Lab Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen, Switzerland
Study Design  900 MHz (GSM) exposure to dairy cows and analysis of hormone levels and other select "performance indicators" (?)
Summary  Association between EMF Exposure from Mobile Phone Base Stations and Selected Performance Indicators in Dairy Cows in a Pilot Area
Details - Project ID 2077
Lab Dept of Environment / ENEA, Italy
Study Design  900, 1800 MHz (CW) exposure to rats and analysis of thyroid hormone levels
Summary  No effect on thyroid tissue or no effects of exposure on histopathology or serum TSH, T3, or T4 levels

A complete list of authors are available for published studies on the IEEE database.